Summer is a time to thank a farmer

Published 4:59 pm Tuesday, June 18, 2024

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Summer is outdoor celebration time. People are looking forward to barbecues with beef, pork and chicken and with corn, potatoes and beans. And, what’s a barbecue without watermelons and a freezer of fresh peach ice cream

Summer celebrations are a good time to, also, pause around the red-checked tablecloth to thank a farmer.

The Pike County Farm-City Committee focuses on the relationship between the farm and urban communities and how they work together to feed homefolks, America and places beyond.

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Abby Peters Pike County Farm-City Committee chair, said the committee is seeking nominations to recognize the county’s top farmer, poultry producer, cattleman, conservationist and agriculture supporters through July 15.

The committee welcomes nominations from those among us who recognize and appreciate the efforts of friends and neighbors who help feed “the world.”

Nominations for the annual awards will be accepted through July 15 at the Pike County Extension Office. The awards will be presented at the Annual Farm-City Banquet in November

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