Will Senate redistricting pave the way for legalized gambling in Alabama? 

Published 1:21 pm Sunday, July 14, 2024

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An upcoming federal court case regarding the redistricting of state maps in Alabama could introduce more pro-gambling legislators to the Senate. 


In November 2024, the federal court will discuss the potential redrawing of Alabama State Senate districts – specifically, Huntsville and Montgomery. This comes after the US Supreme Court ruled that Alabama’s current State Senate districts map violates the Voting Rights Act of 1965. 

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The court found the current map promotes racial gerrymandering. It concluded that black voters are too spread out amongst districts, making it impossible for them to elect candidates that they support. It is argued that redefining districts would make voting fairer for Alabama’s black population. 


With new district lines drawn up and a better mix of voters in each, new legislators will likely be elected to the Senate. These new electees could hold the key to the legalization of gambling in the Yellowhammer State. 


Currently, Alabama has three tribal brick-and-mortar casinos. However, there are no state-run lottery, sports betting, or online casino options. Locals who wish to play online slots or table games currently need to use offshore options or sites that accept cryptocurrency for bets, like the ones highlighted in this Bitcoin casino guide. Sports betting options can also be found on these sites, so residents do have plenty of options available, just not locally.


However, there has been a lot of push in recent years for the legalization of gambling in the state. Just this year, a major constitutional amendment regarding the legalization of gambling went to the Senate. If it had been passed, HB151 would have legalized a state-run lottery and seen the introduction of slot machines to Alabama.


However, just four hours after the House approved it, HB151 was ultimately rejected by chamber voters. 20 voted in favor, while 15 voted against it, meaning it failed to achieve the required two-thirds majority. If it had received just one more vote, the legalization of gambling movement would have progressed significantly this year. 


This brings us back to the redrawing of the state districts. Should new lines be drawn, new legislators will be voted in and current legislators will be voted out. This reshuffling could create a chamber that features a majority of pro-gambling decision-makers. If just one more pro-gambling legislator gets voted in, a majority would finally be made. 


While Alabama’s legislative session for the year has already ended, a chamber reshuffling and progression in gambling legislation does look promising for 2025. 


In 2020, the Public Affairs Research Council of Alabama reported that the legalization of gambling could pull in $749 million in annual state revenue. Now, four years later, this estimate will likely be much higher. Arguments like this could definitely convince new legislators to vote in favor of gambling during the 2025 session. 

The successful introduction of slot machines and lottery could pave the way for sports betting and online casinos.