Who will the next president BEE?

Published 7:30 pm Friday, August 2, 2024

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Politics. As my grandpa always said, politics have gone to hell in a handbasket.

Boy, if he could see them now,

I don’t like politics and I don’t get involved with them.

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I grew up when politics were fun and entertaining. Nothing like today’s fiasco.

Back then, we had politicians who were interesting and came stumpin’ around in unusual ways.

Like Jim Folsom who was so tired he sat down and the sidewalk, took off his shoes and washed his feet. He kissed babies and old ladies, too.

Minnie Pearl came to town and “yee hawed!” on the flatbed of a pickup truck. Little boys walked around with sandwich boards encouraging votes for George Wallace and Shorty Price was just running. Political hopefuls kissed babies and, handed out bubble gum and demonstrated how to blow bubbles. One candidate walked the whole state asking for votes.

Local candidates were just as entertaining. Joe Leverett, the bulldog that was the Brundidge police chief, campaigned for Ben Reeves for sheriff and, then came along, Robert “Boss Hog” Barr, Lillian Johnson, the Brundidge’s first mayor, who carried a broom to sweep off  Jimmy Ramage with his colorful socks. And, that’ not to say a few dollars and moonshine whiskey didn’t figure in to who won and who didn’t.

Oh, how exciting and fun politics were. But no more. It’s mean sprited and full of promises that can’t be or won’t be kept.

But, my candidate for President of the United States is Mike Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas. He has the experience and knowhow…. and most of all he’s an honest man.

Other candidates make promised they can’t keep but not Mike Huckabee. He’s on TV every night promising that you’ll sleep like a baby and wake up restful and ready to enjoy your day if you take Relaxium. And, it will start working the very first night. And, if it doesn’t, you can get your money back. I’ve called in Relaxium and, if doesn’t work, at least I’ll get my money back.