Pike Liberal Arts Burkett announces resignation – Starting new position at Troy University in January

Published 11:32 am Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Pike Liberal Arts School Head of School, Eric Burkett, has accepted a position at Troy University and will be stepping down from his role at Pike Liberal Arts at the end of the first semester of the 2024-2025 school year.  Mr. Burkett will serve Troy University as the Director of Certification and Field Experience in the College of Education.

Pike Liberal Arts school board chairperson April Johnson commented, “We are truly forever grateful for Eric’s vision, perseverance, and dedication.  He has been steadfast in his commitment to our school, and most importantly, our students. While the Board of Trustees is sad to see him leave Pike Liberal Arts School, we wish Mr. Burkett the best and thank him for his dedication to our school for the past 6 and a half years.”

Burkett stated, “It has truly been my honor and privilege to serve as the Head of School at Pike for the last 6 and a half years. I am forever grateful to the students, parents, and board, as well as to the best faculty and staff. I feel like we have accomplished a lot over the last few years, and I know the Board will put the right person in place to fill that role in the future. I will miss seeing the students every day, but I am excited for this next opportunity in my career, where I will serve as the Director of Certification and Field Experience in the College of Education at Troy University. I am the parent of three Patriots, so I will still be on The Hill for all of the events and plan to remain an active member of the Pike Liberal Arts Foundation.”

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During Mr. Burkett’s tenure, several significant milestones were achieved. These include maintaining AISA Blue Ribbon School Status, making significant improvements to facilities, implementing safety initiatives to include new cameras in the classrooms and hallways, and automatic locking exterior doors. He played a vital role in remaining open during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as Pike’s transition to the Alabama High School Athletic Association for the athletic program.  Mr. Burkett also added chapel and the K-3 program, as well as started the elementary STEM program, ACT Prep, Driver’s Ed, Home Economics, among other new electives, and added two resource teachers to the staff.

The Pike Liberal Arts School Board of Trustees will be forming a Hiring Committee to direct its efforts in hiring Burkett’s replacement.