Goshen First Baptist Church to host Memorial Tomaras Deveridge 5K Run Saturday

Published 5:40 pm Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Goshen First Baptist Church, along with the community and the parents of Tomaras Deveridge (Tommy and Joyce Deveridge) continue each year to keep his memory alive by presenting scholarships in his name, to deserving high school students  who are pursing higher educations.

The belief of the sponsors of the 5K Run/Walk is that higher education is important and that great accomplishments should be acknowledged for students who qualify.

The Deveridge Scholarship Fund was founded in 2002.

Beginning in January 2025,  applications for the scholarship will be accepted from students graduating in 2025

All proceeds from the 5K event will benefit the Goshen First Baptist Church Tomaras Lamon Deveridge Scholarship Fund.

The Pre-registration fee is $25 and $30 on race day.  Registration begins at  8 a.m. and the race/walk at 9 a.m.

If you cannot participate in the Memorial 5KRun/Walk donations will be gladly accepted.

(Register online at https://runsign
