Domino spoils go to team Lowery and Parker
Published 11:47 pm Tuesday, July 13, 2010
To the victors go the spoils and Minnie McCloud and Irene Hathaway let the spoils slip right through their fingers.
The team of lady domino “sharks” didn’t loose a hand until it counted most.
McCloud and Hathaway, laughingly, said they didn’t choke, the dots just didn’t come their way.
The domino tournament at the Lillian D. Green Nutrition Center featured 16 teams and, for most of tournament, it looked as if the women were going to rule.
However, Lamar Lowery and Ralph B. Parker said they were just waiting for the right time to make their moves.
McCloud is a seasoned domino player. She has about 15 years of experience counting the dots.
“I love to play dominoes,” she said. “When I learned how to play, I didn’t want to stop. I really enjoy playing at the center. We have a lot of fun but we all like to win.”
Hathaway has only been playing a couple of years but plays a “heady” game.
“I guess, I’m pretty good at dominoes,” she said. “And, I thought that we were going to win the tournament but Lamar and Ralph beat us fair and square.”
Lowery and Parker were good sports and graciously accepted the congratulations from the ladies.
“It was a good tournament and we were lucky to win,” Parker said. “There’s a lot of skill to dominoes but you also have to have some luck. It’s the way the dominoes fall.”
Dominoes is a game that most of the participants at the Lillian D. Green learned as children.
“Some of them played when they were growing up but then stopped until they were reintroduced to the game here at the Center,” said Hassie Green, Center director. “Dominoes is one of their favorite table games. They enjoy playing and they are all good sports. Just like the tournament. Minnie and Irene lead until the last hands and then lost but they laughed and congratulated the men and tomorrow they’ll be playing each other again.”
The domino tournament is one of the many challenging opportunities offered to the participants at the Troy nutrition center.
Jessica Cox, Center secretary, said senior adults enjoy friendly competition just as much as young people.
“They are sharp and enjoy a challenge,” she said. “Every day we have several tables of dominoes and Rook. Those are the favorite games for those who enjoy the table games. But the favorite computer game is Wii bowling.
“When we first got the Wii, the staff practiced and practiced and then we showed the participants and they took it from there. They really enjoy Wii bowling and they are very competitive.”
The Lillian D. Green Nutrition Center is a very active center and a home away from home for many of the senior adults.
“It’s a great place and we all enjoy it and appreciate it,” Hathaway said.
“And we are so thankful for it.”