Orchestra heads to school
Published 6:37 am Friday, February 11, 2011
The Chamber Orchestra Kremlin, one of the world’s greatest chamber ensembles, will be in Troy Monday for a 7:30 p.m. concert at the Claudia Crosby Theater on the Troy University campus.
The chamber ensemble will also present a concert at 10:45 a.m. at Charles Henderson High School and Maestro Misha Rachlevsky will share his 30 years of experience as the leader of one of the world’s great chamber ensembles with Troy University music students at 1 p.m. in the Long Hall of Music.
“The Troy Arts Council is extremely excited to bring this world famous chamber ensemble to Troy,” said John Jinright, TAC presenter chair. “The Chamber Orchestra Kremlin has been critically acclaimed as one of the finest string ensembles in the world. And we are equally excited about the opportunities for our high school and university students to hear this world-class ensemble.”
The concerts at the Crosby Theater and at CHHS are sponsored by the Troy Arts Council with support from the Alabama State Council on the Arts and Troy University.
The presentation by Rachlevsky at Troy University was made possible by financial support from the family of the late Dr. Rhae Swisher, the former dean of Sorrell College of Business at Troy University.
“To bring Mr. Rachlevsky in early, we needed a sponsor,” Jinright said. “Dr. Swisher’s family wanted the Troy University music majors to have the opportunity to meet and talk with this world class conductor. The family felt that it would be an inspiring experience for these university students.”
Jinright said that Swisher and his wife, Bobbi, were longtime supporters of the arts.
“Dr. Swisher loved his classes and he cared about classroom teachers,” Jinright said. “Mrs. Swisher felt like it was fitting to offer this gift to the budding young music teachers at the university. The family also has made it possible for the Troy University music education majors to attend the Monday night concert free.
“The Troy Arts Council is very appreciative of the support of the Swisher family. Dr. Swisher’s legacy continues at Troy University with the value placed on excellent teaching and dedication to student needs.”
The Monday morning concert by the Chamber Orchestra Kremlin at CHHS is open to the public as is Rachlevsky’s presentation in the Troy University band room at 1 p.m.