District 4-H’ers here to compete

Published 8:13 am Thursday, June 9, 2011

Nearly l50 4-H district competition winners will descend on Troy University today in quest of regional titles in their specialty events.

Grant Lyons, Pike County extension coordinator, said the 4-H Southeast Alabama Regional Roundup will get underway with registration during the morning hours. The competitions will begin at 1 p.m. and conclude Friday morning.

Lyons said there will be a lot of activity around Sartain Hall as 4-H’ers compete in tractor driving and bicycling events and a variety of cook-offs.

“We’ll have around 20 competitions, some inside and some outside,” Lyons said. “So, for those who are curious as to what’s going on, all the activity will be top 4-H’ers competing for first place honors at the 2011 4-H Southeast Alabama Regional Roundup.”

First and second place district winners will compete in the Regional Roundup. Pike County 4-H members who are competing in the 20-county regional competition are

Abbie Barron, Vaneekia Daniels, Harrison Johnson, Traylen Jones, Abbie Lee, Caitie Lusk, Mary Lacy Lusk, Jeffery Redmon, Hayden Roberts, Morgan Vardaman, Tyler Wares, Nathan Webb and Sarah Webb.

“We have an outstanding group of 4-H’ers, competing and they will represent us well,” Lyons said. “But all of the competitors are already winners and many events could come down to the wire.”

Some of the off the beaten path contests include Extreme Birdhouse, Blocks Rock and Storytelling.

The 4-H’ers will be treated to a Luau at the Troy University pool tonight. Competitions will continue on Friday with the awards program at 1 p.m.

“We are so thankful that Troy University offers its hospitality to us

each year. The experience that these 4-H’ers get is a memory that they

take home with them whether they win or not,” said Kristie Freeman, Pike

County 4-H Leader.

District first and second place finishers from Pike, Houston, Henry, Geneva, Covington, Crenshaw, Dale, Coffee, Barbour, Bullock, Russell, Chambers, Lee, Tallapoosa, Montgomery, Macon, Elmore, Butler, Conecuh and Monroe counties will compete in the Regional Roundup.