PCBOE announces plan to build to combine Banks schools at one site
Published 10:57 pm Monday, September 17, 2018
The next big capital project for the Pike County Board of Education will be a $5 million project that will eventually house all Banks students, primary and elementary, at one location.
At the BOE’s Monday, Dr. Mark Bazzell, superintendent of Pike County Schools, said the time “has finally come” for the Banks project to be on the drawing board. Bazzell said the capital project will be done in two phases, with the second phase the construction of 12 to 14 classrooms at the site of Banks Middle School.
Bazzell said he is conferring with Pike County Sheriff Russell Thomas and Pike County Commission Robin Sullivan about funding possibilities for school resource officers at Banks and Goshen schools.
In new business brought before the board, the board:
• Approved the 2018-2019 Capital Five Year Plan.
• Approved the 2018-2019 Budget.
• Approved purchase of property located at Gilmore Road in Brundidge.
• Approved permission to purchase a 2007 F150 to replace the 1993 Ford currently used by the Technology personnel. Purchase price is $3,200.
• Approved request for Dr. Mark Bazzell, Dr. Donnella Carter, Dr. Mark Head, and Jeff McClure to attend and present at the Huntsville Committee of 100 Summit, October 23-25, 2018 in Huntsville.
• Approved request for Beth Milton to attend the Alabama Association of Gifted Children Conference, October 17-19, 2018 in Birmingham. Expenses to be paid by Gifted Education Funding.
• Approved retroactive request for Fred Lowery to attend the HELP training, September 5-6, 2018 in Milledgeville, Georgia. Expenses to paid with Goshen High School funds.
• Approved request for Jeff McClure to attend the AASA National Summit 2018, October 1, 2018 in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Expenses to be paid by general funds.
• Approved permission for Tracey Arnold and Shantell Rouse to attend the New Principal’s Conference, September 18-19, 2018 in Prattville. Expenses to be paid with Title 1 funds.
• Approved permission for Brooke Terry to attend the Child Nutrition Director’s Fall Conference, November 7-9, 2018 in Perdido Beach. Expenses to be paid with Child Nutrition Funds.
• Approved permission for Olivia Boyd to attend the AASBO Payroll/Personnel Certificate Program, September 17-18, 2018 in Birmingham at no expense to the Board.
• Approved permission for Amy Garrett to attend the Southeastern Center of Robotics Education MISSION 100 Teacher Training, October 4-5, 2018 in Robertsdale. Expenses to be paid with general funds.
• Approved permission for Donnella Carter to attend the Alabama Association of School Personnel Administrators Fall Drive-In Conference, October 4, 2018 in Alabaster. Expenses to be paid with general funds.
• Approved permission for Julia Wyche to attend the International Dyslexia Association-Alabama Fall Reading Conference, October 18-19, 2018 in Eight Mile. Expenses to be paid with state ESL funds.
• Approved permission for Donnella Carter to attend the Alabama Science Teacher Association’s “Full STEAM Ahead” Conference, November 5, 2018. Expenses to be paid with general funds.
• Approved permission for Amy Garrett to attend the Alabama Science Teacher Association’s “Full STEAM Ahead” Conference, November 5-6, 2018. Expenses to be paid with general funds.
• Approved permission for Donnella Carter to attend the Alabama Association of Federal Education Program Administrator’s Conference, November 6, 2018 in Birmingham. Expenses to be paid with general funds.
• Approved permission to hire two additional CNP staff to meet the Meals per Labor Hour required by the State of Alabama.
• Approved or deny student transfer request per the attached spreadsheet.
Also in new business, the BOE elected Justin Davis as the board’s delegate to the AASB Delegate Assembly on December 6 in Birmingham and Dr. Clint Foster as the alternate delegate.
The board approved the payment of property insurance.
Bazzell also said as of October 1, 2018, the BOE will be out of the recreation business. At that time, the City of Brundidge will assume operation of the city’s recreation program. As the program moves forward, Bazzell noted that all approved volunteers who worked with the recreation program while it was under the direction of the BOE had criminal background checks.
In personnel action, the board:
• Approved voluntary transfer of Alecia Jones from floater in Banks/Brundidge to Goshen High School Child Nutrition Program worker.
• Approved employment of Heath Swanzy, maintenance worker assistant.
• Approved employment of Joshua Roberts, maintenance worker assistant.
• Approved employment of Sheldyn Stephens, fourth grade teacher, Goshen Elementary School.
• Approved volunteer status for Cameron Williams, Banks Creative Drama Club.
• Approved volunteer status for Donnie Coleman, Pike County High School football.
• Approved volunteer status for Thurston Lee, PCHS football.
• Approved volunteer status for Darris Carlisle, recreation football.
• Approved volunteer status for Sylvia Boykins, recreation cheerleader.
• Approved volunteer status for Sara Wilson, recreation cheerleader.
• Approved volunteer status for Kerry Coston, recreation football.
• Approved volunteer status for Jonathan Echols, Jr., recreation football.
• Approved volunteer status for James David Jackson, recreation football.
• Approved volunteer status for Rachel Railey, GHS band.
• Approved volunteer status for Chuck Railey, GHS band.