Bethesda Outreach to celebrate ministry
Published 6:21 pm Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Bethesda Outreach Family Life Center in Brundidge has been an organized house of worship for only four years but has quickly become a growing influence in the community.
At 7 p.m. tonight and Friday and at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, Bethesda will celebrate its ministry and the one who has led them and continues to lead them with strength, conviction and a love of the Lord.
“These services are a celebration for our church pastor, Bishop Samuel David Valentine,” said Joann Culver, church member. “We want to show our appreciation to Bishop Valentine for the work that he has done in our community and for the body of Christ.”
Culver said some churches have pastor celebrations or appreciation days annually but this is the first one for Bethesda.
“Bishop Valentine has a big responsibility of leadership,” she said. “He is an encourager and is in constant prayer as he watches over his flock. There are always problems and no matter what one of his members is going through, he is there for them.
“He’s never too busy to talk with anybody or to pay a visit. Whenever he is called, his answer is always, ‘I will be there. I will go.’ A pastor is a watchman and Bishop Valentine continually watches over his flock. He lets you know that he is praying for you. He is always in prayer.”
Valentine’s wife, Patricia, is the co-pastor of Bethesda and her faith and influence are felt throughout the congregation.
“She is an awesome singer,” Culver said. “God has blessed her. She is so anointed. She is a blessing to us.”
The theme of the celebration services is “If We Faint Not” and will feature dynamic speakers, Bishop Scott, Outreach End Time Deliverance Church in Troy, Pastor Collier of New Hope Church in Brundidge and Pastor Don Foster, Pleasant Hill Baptist Church.
“We invite everyone to join us for this special celebration,” Culver said. “We will have praise and worship and we expect an event of blessings from God.”
Regular services at Bethesda Outreach Family Life Center are at 11 a.m. on Sunday and 7 p.m. on Tuesday. Friday night Hallelujah Services are held at 7 p.m. on the second and fourth Fridays of each month.