Flavor added to Farm City Week events

Published 11:18 am Thursday, October 12, 2023

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The Pike County Farm-City celebration will feature a new flavor this year when it comes to the finale of the week-long celebration Nov. 17-23.

“There are many activities throughout the year that help promote the Pike County Farm-City program,” said Traci Shaver, Pike County Farm-City chairman. “This year, our county’s Farm-City Committee decided to spice things up to encourage more attendance at what was previously a banquet. It will also help connect farmers and urban residents in something we do every day – enjoy delicious food.”

Farm-City Week is held annually the week prior to Thanksgiving and helps deepen the understanding of the relationship between rural farmers and urban families. The 2023 Farm-City theme is “Agritourism: Connecting Alabama Farms and Communities.”

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A fun food festival will be November 16 at 6 p.m. at the Pike County Cattlemen’s Park. The festival will feature samples from numerous restaurants and eateries around Pike County. The winning entries in the county Farm-City Poster and Essay contests will also be on display.

Stories of the county’s outstanding farmers and young agriculture enthusiasts will also be on exhibition at the event.

“We wanted to make food, family and farming the focus of this year’s event, and what better way to celebrate those things than to bring people together over fabulous food,” said Krissy Pinckard, who along with Angi Horn is heading up the food festival. “We already have commitments from some of the top chefs in our county to share signature samples.”

Pinckard said there are still spots available for local restaurants and chefs who want to participate in the food festival.

The Farm-City Committee will host Farm Day, for all county third graders on November 14 at Cattleman Park. The committee will wrap up this year’s events with a tour of agricultural projects in Pike County schools for the 2023 Farm-City Tour.  Bart Snyder of Goshen is coordinating the tour event.

Another popular event sponsored by the Pike County Farm-City Committee is the annual job swap which allows a local farmer and a businessperson or politician to trade roles for a day. This year’s swap will feature Brundidge Mayor Isabell Boyd and Brundidge farmer Chase Flowers. The Job Swap will be highlighted on social media and at the food festival.

Reserved tickets to the Farm-City Food Festival are $40 a pair.

“We couldn’t have Farm-City without the fantastic support we receive from local businesses, farmers and our entire community,” said Abby Peters, Pike County extension coordinator. Information on sponsorship opportunities, food festival tickets and tours is available by calling Peters at 334-566-0985.