Bowled over!

Published 9:09 pm Friday, September 27, 2024

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Been bowling yet?

The question was teasing.

The answer was surprising.

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No, I have not been bowling at the new lanes here in town. Nobody has asked me to go bowling and “girls” my age would rather go out for lunch or sit around, eat sweet treats and play chicken scratch.”

However, I have bowled at the National Bowling Lanes in Reno, Nevada!

But although time has long passed, tis; true.

Four of us “girls” were flying off to Lake Tahoe but, when we landed, we learned that we were “snowed out” of Lake Tahoe and stuck in Reno.

One of us  was happy losing her money  feeding the one-bandits. But, the three of us spent our time feeding on the breakfast specials.

But, we were there to absorb the beauty of Lake Tahoe’s winter vista, and being tucked away in a log cabin, in fuzzy socks with a cup of hot chocolate not sequestered in a noise, smelly casino with people from who knows where.

Two nights and a day later the bus was cleared to take us to Lake Tahoe.  The scenery was even more spectacular than we had imagined. After spending a wonderful and unforgettable day, we were cozy and comfortable in our lake-side cabin.

But, too soon, another snow storm was coming. We were herded out of  the winter snow paradise and back to the hotel and scrambled eggs.

To bide our time, we wandered around Reno, from one shop to the other. We didn’t know where we were when an official looking lady standing an open doorway, greeted us with a smile. ”So, proud you are here today!”

If she was glad, she could have never guessed how glad we were. First, we were offered breakfast rolls with icing and hot coffee. We were gifted with buttons and pins and welcomed to the bowling alley.

We were sized with bowling shoes, then  selected our bowling balls and a lane, one of 90. The clanging of bowling pins was so loud we couldn’t even hear ourselves talk. We took turns rolling the ball down the lane then turned in our bowling shoesl

After bowling, we were treated to an Imax movie  about Mt. Everest with  buttered popcorn and a Frosty drink and a cold icy drink.

The blinking EXIT sign directed us out in the cold.  As we exited,  a big, flashing signed expressed  appreciation to us for participating in “Reno’s Hotel Housekeepers Day!!!”

What? How did that happen? We were bowled over!