‘Ivy Gap’ at Claudia Crosby Theater tonight
Published 10:00 pm Monday, October 13, 2008
The Troy Arts Council will kickoff its 2008-09 calendar of events tonight when “1st Baptist of Ivy Gap” comes to the stage of the Claudia Crosby Theater on the campus of Troy University.
Jerry Spann, TAC presenter chair, said that ‘”1st Baptist of Ivy Gap,” promises to be a crowd pleaser.
“Everybody will enjoy ‘First Baptist of Ivy Gap,’ even those who aren’t Baptist,” Spann said laughing. “Although it’s basically a comedy, there will be serious moments because the first act is set during World War II. The second act takes place 20 years later. I’m looking forward to seeing ‘First Baptist of Ivy Gap’ and we encourage everyone to join us for this night of great entertainment.”
“Ivy Gap” is a comedy that has heart and drama and features six zany and wise characters. There are a number of subplots that make it a very interesting play.
Elaine Blair, patrons’ chair, agreed that “Ivey Gap” is sure to be a tremendous hit with people of all ages.
“This play will be of particular interest to our World War II veterans because much of it takes place during World War II,” Blair said. “We will recognize all veterans at some point during the evening, so we encourage our veterans to come out and enjoy this special event with us and be recognized for their dedicated service to our country.”
A large audience is expected because “Ivy Gap” will appeal to such a wide range of people and because people like to laugh. And, they will laugh, Blair said.
A successful patrons’ drive is key to the success of any TAC event and this year’s drive was one of the best ever.
“The patrons’ drive just ended on Oct. 8, and it was a great success,” Blair said. “We have an outstanding calendar of events that will feature Gilbert & Sullivan’s ‘Pirates of Penzance,’ Shelia Jackson and Company, The American Spiritual Ensemble, The Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra and the Kandinsky Trio.”
Although the patrons’ drive has officially ended, it’s not too late to become a Troy Arts Council patron.
Blair said there will be a table for patron enlistments at tonight’s performance of “Ivy Gap.’
Tickets are $20 for adults and $5 for students.
“Tonight’s performance will be included with the purchase of a patron’s ticket,” Blair said. “So, those who become patrons tonight will get the full benefit of our outstanding calendar of events for 2008-09.”
Patron levels that include season tickets to TAC events are: $75 and up, one ticket; $101 and up, two tickets; $176 and up, three tickets; $251 and up, four tickets; and $400 and up, six tickets.
Blair said the TAC has planned “kickers” for “Ivy Gap” and future performances that will involve the audience and make the performances more meaningful to the community.
Tonight’s performance will begin at 7:30. Tickets may be purchased at the Pink Parlor, Printing Press and Troy University music department. Tickets will also be available at the door.
The ‘1st Baptist of Ivy Gap’ performance is sponsored by the TAC with support from Troy University and the Alabama State Council on the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts.