HB& fire causes little damage
Published 11:48 am Wednesday, September 17, 2008
A small fire broke out at HB&G Tuesday morning, but reports indicated minimal damage.
Troy Fire Chief Thomas Outlaw said the TFD responded to a call for fire around 1:10 a.m. Wednesday, but when they had arrived, most of the fire was extinguished.
“Sprinklers put most of it out when they arrived,” Outlaw said. “They were just cleaning it up from there.”
Outlaw said the fire, which started when a torch ignited with some of the chemicals in the building, caused minimal smoke damage and damage to the sprinklers.
“The building was full of smoke, and we got ejections and fans to pull the smoke out,” Outlaw said.
By 1:43 a.m., Outlaw said firemen had cleaned up the incident.
Glenn Camp, public affairs officer for HB&G, said the fire was more disruptive than it was harmful.
“We just had a spark get out of control on a piece of cardboard and caught it on fire,” Camp said.
“There were no injuries and a couple hundred dollars in damage.”
Camp said the ceiling and an electrical cable were what was damaged in the fire.
“The damage was minuscule and more disruptive than anything,” Camp said.
“We just moved the production on to a different area and didn’t skip a beat.”