Republican candidate Love speaks to Exchange
Published 12:05 pm Friday, September 12, 2008
On the seventh anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, 2nd Congressional District Candidate Rep. Jay Love reminded the Troy Exchange Club not to forget.
“One of our strengths as a country is we forgive, but unfortunately, we often forget,” Love said. “A lot of people thought after the Berlin Wall came down it would become a safer place, but in a lot of ways, it’s more dangerous.”
Love said with the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, Americans are still feeling the impact of the terrorist attacks even today.
“We need to make sure our focus is back on the military,” Love said.
And with a country facing harsh economic conditions, Love said energy prices, which play a big role in national security, are one of the main things he will address if elected.
“We need to make sure we become an energy independent country,” Love said. “I think energy independence plays so much into our national security.”
Love said its not something that could happen in the near future, but with oil drilling at home and a plan to tap into natural recourses, the country could be energy dependent in 15 to 20 years.
Locally, Love said agriculture is one of the biggest concerns of his district, and he would work to keep food grown at home.
“It’s important that we have the ability to feed American people,” Love said. “That’s something I don’t want to send oversees.”
The GOP congressional candidate told Exchange Club members he and his family planned on him running for this seat after Congressman Terry Everett announced his retirement.
“I just always had wanted to serve, and it motivated me to run for the state legislature in 2002,” Love said. “I have four young children, and I’m concerned about the direction of the country. With small business and legislative experience, I have a lot to offer.”
As the first Republican congressional candidate to run an ad on featuring John McCain and Sarah Palin, Love said he backs the Republican presidential candidate all the way.
“I think with Gov. Palin’s addition to the ticket, it has very much energized Republicans and conservative independents,” Love said. “I’ve certainly seen that in the district. They are consistent with my views—to lower taxes and the rights of the unborn—and I just wanted to make sure people knew I was fully supporting them, and my opponent Bobby Bright was not.”