Free fishing day tomorrow
Published 12:00 am Friday, June 6, 2003
The first Saturday in June presents an outdoors tradition that brings hundreds of potential fishermen and women, boys and girls, to lakes, streams and rivers all across the country.
On Saturday, no one in the state of Alabama will need a fishing license to put a hook in the water.
Jerry Jinright, Alabama Wildlife Freshwater Fisheries, said those who want to try their luck - or skill - at this popular participator sport may do so without have to invest in a license.
The idea behind Free Fishing Day is that many who try the sport will like it and decide to purchase a license; therefore, embarking on a sport that can be enjoyed for a lifetime.
Fishermen who get hooked and take up fishing regularly will be able to take pride in knowing that they help conserve and protect Alabama's diverse fisheries when they purchase a spot fishing license.
Free Fishing Day provides opportunities for families and friends to share quality time together while learning about two of the nation's favorite pastimes - sport fishing and recreational boating which go together - line and sinker.
In conjunction with Alabama's Free Fishing Day, Alabama Wildlife Freshwater Fisheries and Wal-Mart join together to sponsor "Take a Kid Fishing" Day at Pike County Lake.
Kids ages 5 through 12 may participate when accompanied by an adult.
Kids must furnish their own fishing equipment, but Wal-Mart will give each participant a tackle box filled with treats and provide a hamburger and hotdog lunch for participants.
More than 600 catfish have been added to a section of the lake for this kids' event so the fishing should be good.
So, Jinright encourages adults to take a kid fishing at Pike County Lake Saturday. It will be a day to be long remembered.