A Note from the President

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 12, 2003

Dear Chamber Members;

TEAMWORK! I think that you have seen that word in every letter I have written for the Connection. I hope that you will always hear that from me. I believe in teamwork, I believe in doing what we can do to enhance the quality of life here in Pike County for all citizens. Since I am so fond of stressing TEAMWORK we have decided to make being a team the theme for our membership drive this year. "Join the team that keeps Pike County strong."

As you peruse this edition of the Connection take note in what you see we are accomplishing and what has already been done this year. These things happen as the result of working together. Every single member is important to what the chamber does. Without chamber member support and encouragement we could not be a strong active chamber.

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I would like to ask you, as chamber members, to keep August 18-29 in your mind. During these two weeks the chamber will hold our annual membership drive. If you would like to have a team in our drive please

call me at the chamber office at 566-2294. If you would prefer not to participate in that way but you have ideas of others who are not currently members please encourage them to "Join the team that keeps Pike County strong."

During the coming months there are several events and activities planned that offer opportunities to fellowship with our neighbors, show our community pride and support our businesses! I hope that you enjoy the end of the summer, be aware of the children as they return to school and remember to do your best to help make Pike County a great place to be!


Jenniffer Barner

President, Pike County Chamber of Commerce