Troy BOE considers graduation exercise participation

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, March 19, 2002

Features Editor

After the 2001-2002 school year, Charles Henderson High School seniors who do not pass all parts of the Alabama High School Graduation Exam (AHSGE) may not be allowed to participate in graduation exercises.

The Troy Board of Education heard a presentation yesterday from Dr. Linda Felton, CHHS principal, on whether students who have earned the required number of Carnegie units

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but have not passed all parts of the AHSGE and are not eligible for an Alabama high school diploma should be allowed to participate in graduation exercises.

Felton said 126 Alabama school districts responded to a survey and, of that number, 78 percent reported that students who had not passed all parts of the AHSGE are allowed to participate in graduation exercises.

Felton said the policy of CHHS also has been to allow

these students to participate,

although they receive a certificate of participation, not a diploma.

When asked the opinion of the faculty members of CHHS, Felton said the teachers recommendation is that the students not be allowed to participate in graduation exercises. Felton said that is also her opinion.

"I believe the students would take better advantage of the tutorial programs available to them if they knew they would not be able to participate unless they passed the graduation exam," she said

No action was taken and Superintendent Hank Jones said the 2002 CHHS seniors will not be affected when a decision is made.

Jones said the revenue from the second 1-cent sales tax has not been as much as hoped and, with increased enrollment, "We are simply getting by."

In other business the board:


Accepted the recommendation of the textbook committee and adopted textbooks for the 2002-2003 school year.


Awarded PEPE Certificate as a teacher evaluator to Suzette Helms.


Approved employment of Donna Caldwell as an instructional aide.


Accepted the resignations of Lori Blair, social studies teacher at

Charles Henderson Middle School and Helen May, enrichment teacher at Troy Elementary School.


Accepted intentions of retirement from Susan Jinright, enrichment teacher at Troy Elementary School, Linda Carroll, technical coordinator, and Marie Vonfeldt, administrative secretary.


Awarded the low bid for a metal storage building at Charles Henderson Middle School to Rodgers Company.


Declared a 1981 Ford F150 pickup and a 1992 Bluebird bus surplus vehicles.


Approved payment of bills, payrolls and accounts.


Revised policy contracts for certified personnel