Late fees go up

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, February 20, 2002

Features Editor

Brundidge’s non-residential utility customers who are delinquent in their payments could find themselves paying a higher fine in the coming months.

The Brundidge City Council held a first reading of an ordinance to increase late fees by customers "other than residential" to 0.7165 percent and no less than $10.

City Manager Britt Thomas said there is a big difference between a residential customer whose electricity bill is $66 and a customer whose bill is $2,000.

"Right now they are paying the same delinquent fees, and we need to adjust that," he said during Tuesday’s council meeting.

A vote will be taken by the council after the second reading of the ordinance at the council’s March 5 meeting.

Thomas also reported to the council that the host fee paid to the city of Brundidge by BFI Subtitle D Landfill for the month of January was about $7,400.

"January was the first full month for fees paid to the city," Thomas said, adding that the opening of the landfill is very beneficial to the city in revenue and its location.

In other business the council:

· Approved a request to rezone the property of Angela and Fred McCray on 7th Street from MHR (mobile home) to R1 (residential). A public hearing was held prior to the council meeting to consider the

rezoning request which was recommended for approval by the city’s planning commission.

· Approved the reprinting for the town’s promotional

publication in the amount of $3,500 which will be on a share basis with Alabama Electric Cooperative. The first printing of the publication was distributed at rest areas, the Pioneer Museum of Alabama and other places that provide tourist information.

· Appointed Sherroll Tatom as voting delegate to the Alabama Municipal Insurance Corporation Conference in April and Vernon Jackson as the alternate delegate.

· Appointed Vernon Jackson as the voting delegate to the Alabama League of Municipality Convention in April and Sherroll Tatom as alternate.

· Passed a resolution relating to the EDA Project stating that hookups will not be allowed on wetland areas.

· Encouraged Brundidge citizens to support the Pike County High School men’s basketball team in the 3-A Alabama High School Athletic Association State Basketball Tournament at 1:30 p.m. Thursday at Troy State University’s Trojan Arena.