For Neighbor Belinda
Published 12:00 am Friday, May 11, 2001
Harrison – Just a rose will do
Features Editor
For any aspiring young artist, having his or her work recognized is very rewarding.
However, when that recognition comes by way of a scholarship, that reward is money in
the bank,
Belinda Harrison of Troy was recently awarded a $2,000 art scholarship by the Troy Council on the Arts and Humanities.
The Jean Lake Memorial Scholarship is presented annually to a student whose art portfolio is judged to show the most talent and the most promise and who is planning a career in an art related field.
Belinda is a senior at Charles Henderson High School and has been a "serious" art student for five years.
"No matter what the assignment, no matter what the challenge, Belinda always takes her art seriously and she always does her best," said Pam Smith, CHHS art teacher.
"Many students will not do their best work unless it is a subject of interest to them. Belinda always does her best."
Smith has been Belinda’s art teacher for five years and the student gives the teacher credit for her success is the field of art and her direction in life.
"Mrs. Smith is a great teacher," Belinda said. "I like all of my teachers, but she is my favorite. I want to be an art teacher, just like her. I like the way she teaches. She works with us one-on-one and she brings out the best in us. She really has given me a lot of confidence and she makes me feel good about the work I do."
Evidently, Smith is not the only one who sees promise in the senior art student. Being a Jean Lake Scholarship recipient makes Belinda a member of an elite group of young artists, but it doesn’t put any addition pressure on her.
She appreciates the scholarship and "especially" the confidence the members of the Troy Council on the Arts and Humanities have placed in her.
But, scholarship or no scholarship, Belinda is going to give college her best shot. She doesn’t want to disappoint anyone, especially herself.
"God gave me this talent and I want to use it to the best of my ability," she said. "If for some reason, I don’t go into teaching, I want art to be a part of whatever I do."
Belinda doesn’t really have an "art speciality" yet, but she does have a signature symbol for work – at least most of it.
"I include a rose in almost everything I do" she said. "I love roses and I can find some way to incorporate them into a painting – unless Mrs. Smith tells me ‘a rose won’t work in that.’ Then, I’ll sign the painting, but if I can, I let the rose be my signature."
Belinda is a still-life/portrait artist but she also shows promise in the area of advertising art.
She was recently named the winner in a statewide poster contest promoting the hiring of the disabled. That award shows the young artist can use her talent to promote and persuade as well as to create something of lasting visual beauty and/or stir deep emotions.
Belinda is planning to enter Troy State University this summer because she wants to get a quick start on where she wants to go in life.
No matter which road Belinda takes, Smith is sure everything will come up roses for her student who always gives anything she does her best shot.