
It takes courage to take a stand

There are some things you just don’t realize until you can’t turn back.


Feeling lost in translation

I could see the panic in my friend Chung’s eyes the moment he spotted me from across the ...


Enjoying the simple pleasures of Fall

What’s your favorite season? As a child, I found the beginning of the fall season to be a ...


Troy’s trail of confusion

Which way did it go? Seems a good question when considering the Troy Recreation Department’s latest proposal for a ...


Profile 2009 is here, help us out

Know any good stories? It’s the type of question that rarely fails to get an answer. Know any interesting people? Now ...


Hephzibah Baptist hosts event for outdoorsmen

Luke 14:23 encourages Christians to “go out along the back roads and fence rows and make people come ...


Sometimes government action is needed

Sometimes, the government needs to take action.


Obama’s tax plan deserves scrutiny

The stakes are high for Sen. John McCain in tonight’s final debate.


‘Ivy Gap’ at Claudia Crosby Theater tonight

The Troy Arts Council will kickoff its 2008-09 calendar of events tonight when “1st Baptist of Ivy Gap” ...


Palin becoming a ‘mom’ icon

For many of us, our mothers are our biggest cheerleaders. From the first scrapes on our knees to ...

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