
OL’ TIME RELIGION: Troy Nutrition Center choir keeps tradition

The singing of those old-time hymns could be heard outside the Troy Nutrition Center around noon on Friday. ...


THE CLAY BUDDIES: Potters mine their own clay for ceramics

The sun was completing its peek over the horizon. The birds were singing, but little else was moving ...


CAN’T WALK AWAY: The Biennial 2015 showcases artwork of 43 Alabma contemporary artists

Walking through the doors of the Johnson Center for the Arts you might feel like a kid in ...


FLYING HIGH: Young pilot takes first solo flight

Colton Johnson, 16, has ownership of a Diamond DA40 airplane.


MOUNTAIN TREKKERS: Douglas Topolse takes trek of a lifetime

Imagine a sky so dark that it’s possible to see the individual twinkling of a million stars. That’s Philmont ...


‘IN THE BUSINESS’: Local poultry farmers vow ‘no antibiotics ever’

Halston G. Motes and his friend, Austin Adler, walk with the swagger of Super Bowl champions.


ARTIST BACK TO ‘WURK’: Brundidge artist reopens Art Wurks studio

Larry Godwin is not as young as he used to be. “None of us are,” he said, with a ...


REMEMBER WHEN: Helion Motes reflects on parents, grandparents teachings

As the country celebrates its independence this weekend, many senior Americans will look back and remember a time ...


A JOYOUS EXCHANGE: Artists combine talents for artistic project

A crazy quilt, a thread that runs so true and written words that read like a song came ...


EVERY HERO HAS A STORY: Kids become superheroes at Troy Public Library

Move over Batman and Robin! Buzz off Superman! Get lost Wonder Woman! The Troy Public Library Superheroes are ...

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