
ON EXHIBIT: Johnson Center features new pair of artists

The Johnson Center for the Arts in Troy is featuring two artists with uniquely different styles and different ...


LOOKING BACK: Steer show celebrates 75 years in Pike County

On a rather warm spring Saturday in March 1942, several young boys waited anxiously to hear the judges’ ...


FAMILY TRADITION: Huff family carries on Pig Cookin’ event

Hank Williams Jr. would be proud to know that somewhere in his mother’s old stompin’ grounds folks are ...


MAKING A MARK: Harlem Ambassadors share messages of hope

The Harlem Ambassadors Professional Show Basketball team was in Pike County Thursday and Friday and their showmanship and ...


STORIES IN STITCHES: Pioneer Museum of Alabama hosts annual quilt show

No matter when a quilt was made or by whom, it has a story. When the Pioneer Museum ...


POSTCARDS HOME: New exhibit on display at Troy University Library

Anyone who knew the late Wade Hall of Bullock County would know that for, him, collecting vintage postcards ...


A NEW HOPE: Gifts of charity bind professor, student

In the summer of 2016, Ben Barnett decided to embark on a “Journey of Hope” across America to ...


‘A GLAD NEW SONG’: Duo-show features African-American artists

The Johnson Center for the Arts in Troy is two honoring artists on opposite ends of the artistic ...


Students create simulated stained glass windows

According to a Portuguese proverb, what is bought is cheaper than a gift. If that is true, then the ...


The perfect evening at the Piddle Around theatre

Nationally acclaimed storyteller, Andy Offutt Irwin said the We Piddle Around Theater in Brundidge is what the Cracker ...

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