
MOUNTAIN TREKKERS: Douglas Topolse takes trek of a lifetime

Imagine a sky so dark that it’s possible to see the individual twinkling of a million stars. That’s Philmont ...


‘IN THE BUSINESS’: Local poultry farmers vow ‘no antibiotics ever’

Halston G. Motes and his friend, Austin Adler, walk with the swagger of Super Bowl champions.


Ode to an ole rooster

Waking at the crack of dawn to the crowing of a rooster gave me a strong sense of ...


Lying through my eyes

The radio-evangelist, the Rev. Warren Walker, said that illness is caused from evil doings.


ARTIST BACK TO ‘WURK’: Brundidge artist reopens Art Wurks studio

Larry Godwin is not as young as he used to be. “None of us are,” he said, with a ...


The day Vernie flew

Every time I start to re-tell a story, my children roll their eyes and make long, loud sighing ...


REMEMBER WHEN: Helion Motes reflects on parents, grandparents teachings

As the country celebrates its independence this weekend, many senior Americans will look back and remember a time ...


A JOYOUS EXCHANGE: Artists combine talents for artistic project

A crazy quilt, a thread that runs so true and written words that read like a song came ...


Only one reason to watch TV

If all the TVs were all transported far beyond the northern sea, I wouldn’t care one whit, as ...


EVERY HERO HAS A STORY: Kids become superheroes at Troy Public Library

Move over Batman and Robin! Buzz off Superman! Get lost Wonder Woman! The Troy Public Library Superheroes are ...

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