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Troy Life

HOME AND GARDEN: Backyard beach

Back in March, Jennifer Giles and her family started the project of renovating their backyard. Looking to create ...

Troy Life

HOME AND GARDEN: Leaving the world behind

Together, Mickey and Mona Daughtry are a gardening team. Mona is a master gardener while Mickey does most ...

Troy Life

LOOKING BACK: Going to the picture show

In an age where live theatre production was one of the primary sources of entertainment, motion pictures ushered ...

Troy Life

LOOKING BACK: The Fire Of 1934

In the wee morning hours of Sunday, February 18, 1934, a fire broke out in downtown Troy. Hop ...

Troy Life

HOME AND GARDEN: A family foundation

The Adams Family Home is where family bonding time has become a tradition. The whole family comes here ...


LOOKING BACK: Memories on the hill

Driving down Elm Street, you may notice large wooden Greek letters that stand in front of five distinct ...

Troy Life

HOME and GARDEN: A Brotherhood Restored

A house – once filled with the sounds of a college fraternity: boys whooping and hollering over a football game ...

Troy Life

TRAVEL: Off the Beaten Path

Celebrating a 30th anniversary is always special. But, celebrating a 30th anniversary under the Eiffel Tower in Paris, ...

Troy Life

Restoring the Love on Love Street

Two years ago, Chris and Lisa Nonnenmann bought into a dream. That dream was to bring new life ...

Troy Life

Like Rushing Waters

Jessica Phillips, a yoga instructor operating her studio Earth to Us out of Neighborhood Barre in downtown Troy, ...

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